PlanetRomeo Foundation

Young Queer Alliance

Young Queer Alliance is the only youth-led LGBTI organization in Mauritius with a specific focus on young people in the age range of 14 to 29 years, advocating for their recognition and well-being. Young Queer Alliance has established a Safety Centre for young LGBTQIA and Trans* people. The centre acts as an emergency shelter, office and meeting space, all under one roof. The centre is also used for existing and new programmes of Young Queer Alliance, which include meetings, support groups, trainings and psychosocial support. PlanetRomeo Foundation enabled Young Queer Alliance to purchase furniture, appliances, ICT equipment and all other necessary inventory for the shelter.
I have been sleeping under starry skies on the beaches and in temples for a week. I could not meet my needs for an appropriate house. I became irregular at work and lost my job. A friend of mine contacted YQA and I was grateful to the organization for its support.

Amar, 26

young-queer-alliance-2 It is expected that the project will reach out to a minimum of 400 LGBTIs through its direct and indirect services. In the future, Young Queer Alliance would also like to be able to acommodate LGBTI people for a longer period of time. Also, they want to advocate for the decriminalization and recognition of same-sex relationships in Mauritius, as well as marriage equality.

Project results

PlanetRomeo Foundation funded the purchase of:
  • furniture, household appliances and other equipment for the Safety Centre;
  • ICT equipment and other IEC materials, books and magazines for the Information Corner.
The construction and renovation of the centre, the meeting/training space and office were funded by the U.S. Ambassador's Special Self Help Program.
Young Queer Alliance
Port Louis, Mauritius [wpgmza id="1"]
Safety Centre for Young LGBTQIAs and Trans* People
Grant awarded
€ 4,267 - February 2016
Safety & Shelter
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