Society for Empowerment & Advocacy Welfare Organization mapped the trans* communities in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan. Trans* people are among the most marginalized communities in this city. Most of them are living in slums, also lacking the opportunity to find a normal job.
Building trust with Transgender Guru’s (leaders) was a difficult task, because of the consequences of marginalization the community experiences. They had to convince them about the purpose of their project funded by PlanetRomeo Foundation, which aims to contribute to building a cohesive trans* community in Karachi.
Up till now, SEA Welfare Organization established seventeen trans* committees, a helpline, organized several awareness-raising sessions, developed IEC materials, and mapped referral partners for the trans* community. These partner organizations vary from police stations to psychological service providers.
Most importantly, they successfully established a helpdesk for trans* people. Here they can find support in accessing health, legal, protection, and counseling services.