PlanetRomeo Foundation
Mothers Haven

Mothers Haven

Mothers Haven is a Zimbabwean civil society organization of LBT mothers. They advocate for the wellbeing of LBT mothers and their children.

LBT mothers experience the most discrimination, stigma and abuse from the very community they live with, i.e. families, relatives, and school mates of LBT mothers’ children. To make things even more difficult: most mothers and their offspring stay with their families and/or the children’s biological father. This sometimes results in violent situations.

To improve this situation, Mothers Haven will organize various workshops on subjects like increasing self-awareness, sensitization of LBT mother’s families, wellness, and leadership. Also, a focus group discussion will be held on why there is discrimination, stigma and abuse projected at LBT mothers and their children.

Mothers Haven
Bulawayo & Mutare, Zimbabwe [wpgmza id="119"]
“Ubuntu Yibuntu” – “Dignity is Dignity”
Grant awarded
€ 5,000 - Q4, 2017
Community Organizing