PlanetRomeo Foundation

Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities (ESGM)

Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities (ESGM), building bridges through community engagement and mobilising for the purpose of stronger advocacy.

In Eswatini, rampant homophobia is built into laws and the social fabric. To progress LGBTI advocacy beyond just proclaiming the existence of LGBTI people, information sharing and learning must become part of social discourse. ESGM is focused on inspiring the will to effect a proactive process towards that. Our alliance of well-informed LGBTI persons is key to effect a change in perceptions. This will increase active LGBTI voices in the wider public discourse, and highlight the need for equality in Eswatini. This is what ESGM is focusing its strength to achieve.

ESGM engages with both the LGBTI community and wider stakeholders in Eswatini.  We want to actively activate team building that will enhance information sharing among LGBTI peers. Through this project, we are engaging in conversations with community leaders, and will build a community of spirited and informed LGBTI members.

With the government continuing to stifle human rights for LGBTI people, ESGM puts more emphasis on community engagement and community mobilising for the purposes of building a stronger advocacy.

Eswatini Sexual and Gender Minorities (ESGM)
Siteki, Eswatini (Swaziland)
Queer Eswatini - Breaking Barriers
Grant awarded
€ 4,987 - Q2, 2019
Community Organizing
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