PlanetRomeo Foundation

Volunteers Management Board wanted: PlanetRomeo Foundation is looking for Treasurer and Communications

PlanetRomeo Foundation is an independent non-profit fund, established in 2009 to contribute to the fight for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTQI+ people worldwide. With the donation provided by online platform Romeo BV, its users and other donors, PlanetRomeo grants one-time subsidies of maximum EUR 6.000,- to community building projects, mostly in the Majority World (Asia, Africa and South-America). The Foundation consists of a management board (unpaid volunteers, 4 board members: Chair, Secretary, Fundraising and Funding Partners + 2 vacancies: Treasurer and Communications), supervisory board (4 unpaid volunteers), and 1 administrative volunteer.

We consistently receive more fitting applications than we can currently fund with our approximately EUR 200k yearly budget. We recognize the increasing worldwide need for LGBTQIA+ community building, so we are planning to raise more funds. The Foundation has a multiple year Strategic Plan, a Theory of Change and a new Fundraising Strategy. Our current treasurer will switch to Fundraising, the Board member communications is stepping down. We therefore have 2 vacancies.

Opening 1: Board Member Communications

We are looking for a board member in charge of external Communications. This is an unpaid volunteering position in the management board, for a period of three years, with a weekly time investment of about 4 hours. Our external communications are focused on fundraising. The most important target audience is the users of the Romeo platform: the communications board member provides clarity to our (prospect) donors on the foundation’s activities and role through our pages: Instagram, Facebook, Linked-In and website). Together with the Fundraising board member and the rest of the board, you build a story arc spanning 1 calendar year. You draft 4 push-messages per year to the Romeo users, aimed at eventually asking them to become our donors. You work closely together with the communications team from Romeo BV to curate the content of the messages.

The current board members are excited to start our Fundraising Strategy in 2025: we are new to active fundraising. Our fundraising efforts of 2025 will be assessed by the end of the year according to our KPIs. Based on the learnings and target achievements, our fundraising activities will be shaped and fine-tuned for 2026 an 2027.

Through our newsletter, you inform our current donors of the projects we have funded thanks to their contributions. Between January-June, you write stories and collect photos for our Annual Report, together with the chair. Together with the whole board, you read and assess funding applications during the 2 funding rounds per year (around April and October). You actively participate in the discussions about which projects to fund and why.

Your most important tasks are:

  1. Writing a 1 year story arc, resulting in 4 messages to the Romeo users (together with the Romeo B.V. communications team);
  2. You are in charge of our social media pages and all our website content;
  3. Write a periodic newsletter for our donors (together with Fundraising board member);
  4. You write texts, and collect stories and photos for our Annual Report, together with the chair and treasurer;
  5. Assess funding applications 2 times a year (together with the whole management board).

Who are we looking for: Communications

You don’t need to meet all requirements, as long as you understand our mission, you can commit to this position for 3 years and you have time and energy to be an indispensable member of our small team.

  • You are an LGBTQIA+ person, who wholeheartedly endorses our goals. You are interested in learning about the worldwide LGBTQIA+ community and sharing their stories;
  • You are a Romeo user (preferably);
  • Experience managing social media pages and website content;
  • You like working together and discussing your ideas with a team;
  • You speak and write English fluently. You don’t need to speak Dutch;
  • Experience in fundraising communications is a plus;
  • You can commit to this position for 3 years: 2025-2026-2027. You understand the limitations of a volunteer position. You don’t need board experience.

Opening 2: Treasurer

We are looking for a treasurer: this is an unpaid volunteering position in the management board, for a period of three years, with a weekly time investment of about 4 hours. You are responsible for the payments to our supported partners. Together with the administrative volunteer you check the documents uploaded by our approved applicants. You are responsible for all payments to the funded partners: informing them on the payment status and following-through on bounced payments.

Between January – June, you are in the lead of preparing the Annual Financial Report. You work together with our bookkeeper to close the books of the past calendar year and report to our external accountant on our processes and finances. The communications board member and chair will write the stories and collect photos for the Annual Report.

Between October-December, you prepare the budget for the coming calendar year. You work together with all board members to accurately budget our priorities and planned activities. During the year, you monitor the budget and maintain the financial administration.

Together with the whole board, you read and assess funding applications during the 2 funding rounds per year (around April and October). You actively participate in the discussions about which projects to fund and why.

Your most important tasks are:

  1. You carry out payments to funding partners, together with administrative volunteer;
  2. You compile the Annual (Financial) Report, together with the bookkeeper, accountant and communications board member;
  3. You draft the yearly Budget, together with the whole management board, you monitor the budget and financial administration;
  4. Assess funding applications 2 times a year, together with the whole management board.

Who are we looking for: Treasurer

You don’t need to meet all requirements, as long as you understand our mission, you can commit to this position for 3 years and you have time and energy to be an indispensable member of our small team.

  • You are an LGBTQIA+ person, who wholeheartedly endorses our goals. You are interested in learning about the worldwide LGBTQIA+ community and being in contact with them;
  • You are familiar with Annual Financial Reports. Having experience drafting one is a plus and/or being familiar with the RJ650, ANBI and CBF regulations;
  • You are familiar with working together to make a yearly budget, and monitoring the budget and financial administration during the year;
  • You like working together and discussing your ideas with a team;
  • You can commit to this position for 3 years: 2025-2026-2027. You understand the limitations of a volunteer position. You don’t need board experience, you don’t need to speak Dutch.

What does PlanetRomeo Foundation offer both board members?

  • An opportunity to gain management board experience at an international LGBTQI+ fund;
  • The opportunity to read, learn from and support incredible initiatives, that have a direct impact on LGBTQI+ people and communities around the world during a time that anti-LGBTQIA+ movements are on the rise;
  • Communications: improve your writing, social media and fundraising skills;
  • Gain knowledge about the positioning and operations of an international fund, come into contact with other funds and (strategic) partner organizations in the Netherlands and worldwide.

The board meets every month, on the third Thursday in the evening. We alternate online meetings and meetings at the Romeo office in Amsterdam. All board members are expected to contribute to all matters related to the Foundation: the projects we fund, other funds we collaborate with, the yearly budget and annual report, preparing the monthly board meetings so they are effective and fun, informing and discussing Foundation matters with our Supervisory Board etc.

We are a warm team of committed people who enjoy hanging out after meetings every once in a while. We are currently an all-white board consisting of 2 men, 1 woman and 1 non-binary person, ages between 30 and 70. We encourage candidates who are people of colour, trans, intersex or NB people to apply.


Feel free to contact us first if you have any questions about one of the positions. You can send your application to [email protected], addressed to the current board members: Jos, Marlou, Daniel and Femke.

Please reply at the latest on 31 October 2024. The selection process will be 2 interview rounds between mid-November and mid-December. Both new board members will start on 1 January 2025.